photo of Constantine Nomikos Vaporis, PhD

(Image: Constantine Vaporis. Photo by Marlayna Demond '11 for UMBC.)

I’m a professor at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), where I teach Japanese and East Asian history.

My hobbies include Japanese archery, organic gardening, kayaking, learning foreign languages, and the search for the most perfect Greek island.

I’m an historian, writer, and consultant on the Asia Pacific region. I’m lucky to have a career teaching students at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) as well as professionals in the education field (K-12 teachers), members of the intelligence community, and travelers to East Asia with several well-known tour companies. I also aim to reach a broader audience through my writing (op-eds, textbooks, general historical works), the creation of educational video animations, and public speaking engagements. My hobbies include Japanese archery, kayaking, learning foreign languages, and searching for the most perfect Greek beach.